Jain Foundation to host exclusive digital event to celebrate Paryushan

Udaipur : The Jain Foundation, a not-for-profit organization, devoted to spreading the core values of Jainism, has announced that it will be hosting a special digital event to commemorate Paryushan, the most important Jain festival in the calendar.  The programme can be viewed on The Jain Foundation App from 15th -22nd August 2020. During the annual holy event of Paryushan, Jains increase their level of spiritual intensity through tools of fasting and prayer as well as meditation.

The programme will commence with a live darshan at 7am, followed by live Pravachan at 9am and 3.30pm by Deepakbhai Bardoli. Viewers will also get to enjoy a Bhakti at 8.30pm and an Aarti at 9.45 pm on all eight days, streamed live from the AdaniShantigram Jain Temple.

The Jain Foundation is the brain child ofRamesh Kumar Shah, Founder of RK Trust,the philanthropic arm of the RK Group and co-created by Neel Shah, Founder Aura and AGM, SPR Constructions, Chennai.The aim is to bring forth the foundational values of Jainism and make them relevant to the current generation.  Since inception three months ago, the Jain Foundation has hosted over 60 webinars, covering a wide spectrum of topics ranging from philosophy, religion, rituals, devotion, education as well as art and architecture.

Commenting on the initiative, Ramesh Kumar Shah said: ‘’We are excited to showcase our special digital event to enable Jains across the world to partake in the celebrations around Paryushan. It is my endeavor to pass on the meaningful attributes of Jainism to the future generation. Particularly now in the time of Covid-19, we thought it was fitting to create an online platform that will foster the spirit of learning and self-development.’’

The Jain Foundation App can be downloaded by visiting www.jainfoundation.in.

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