CHIK Easy introduces vibrant hair coloursinto the markets of Udaipur (or)

CHIK Easy springs withvivid hair coloursin prodigal amount

Udaipur: The new and revived ‘CHIK Easy’, from the house of CavinKareconglomerate, lures its consumers fromUdaipur with the famous B’s of hair colour – Black, Brown & Burgundy. CHIK Easy despite its convenience and affordability now crops up as the best styling brand for the consumers by offering these basic yet elegant hues for profuseamount at an affordable pricing.

The emerging salon trends in Hair coloring and styling,may not go easy on the pockets all the time. Hence to venture new looks at home, CHIK Easy comes to the rescue with its variedoptions. After its revamp from CHIK Hair Colour Shampoo to CHIK Easy,the brand provides three mane-tastic shades Black, Brown and Burgundy. These tones render the most desirable look for the tresses which gives thema youthful appearance with salon-type finish at home.

Brimming with the goodness of Amla, Henna, Hibiscus, Fenugreek and Bhringraj, CHIK Easypropounds manybenefits to the mane and does not contain ammonia. As the name suggests, CHIK Easy is the simple and easy solution for covering Grey hair. Simply mix the contents of the sachet, apply using gloved hands, massage for good coverage and rinse after 10 minutes.The convenient and affordable CHIK Easy, delivers enticing and appealing looks with these vivid hues at just Rs.15/- only.

Packed in opulent tinge, the new and improved CHIK Easy is now availablein Natural Black, Dark Brown and Burgundy hues in sachet of15ml priced at Rs.15/- across all Kirana outlets and Modern Trade at Udaipur. 

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