HDFC Bank to conduct national‘ Blood Donation Drive’ on December 9

  • To organize one of India’s largest blood donation drives with over 5,500 blood donation camps set up across 1,150 cities

Udaipur : HDFC Bank, India’s leading private sector bank will hold a nation-wide ‘Blood Donation Drive’ on Friday, December 9, 2022. The annual campaign is HDFC Bank’s leading healthcare initiative under its flagship CSR program #Parivartan. In its 14thyear, blood donation camps will be organized at over 5,500 centers in 1,150 cities across India. This includes large corporates, colleges and bank branches.

Those who wish to donate blood can locate the center nearest to them by checking the bank website at the following link:

Over 4.5 lakh donors are expected to participate in this year’s drive. The Bank has tied up with local hospitals, blood banks and, colleges across these cities for technicaland functional assistance. Over 1,200 colleges across the countryhave been assigned as donation centers.

“It is the 14th year of our All-India Blood Donation campaign – an initiative that we have been proud to support since 2007,”said Mr. Bhavesh Zaveri, Group Head – Operations, HDFC Bank. “Medical care depends on a steady supply of blood from donors, as one in seven people entering the hospital needs blood. Medical professionals have confirmed that it is safe to donate blood if Covid and other general precautions are in place. Let us do our small part to make a genuine difference in the lives of the communities around us by donating blood this Friday, December 9, at a blood donation camp near you.”

“HDFC Bank #Parivartan is committed to bringingabout a positive change in society.The all-India Blood Donation Drive is our sincere effort in this direction and is aimed atcreating awareness about the importance of Blood Donation. A single unit of blood can save up to 3 lives. Blood Donation can save millions of lives, and it is the next generation that needs to drive this message in the years to come. I would like to extend my deepest regards to all people involved with this initiative over the yearsin making this initiative such a huge success,” said Ms. Ashima Bhat, Group Head – Business Finance & Strategy, Administration, Infrastructure, ESG & CSR.

The initiative has been recognized and certified by Guinness World RecordsTM as the ‘Largest (single-day, multiple venue) Blood Donation Drive’ in 2013.The initiative was started in the year 2007 with just 88 centres and 4000 donors.

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