Hindustan Zinc awarded“Most Sustainable Company in the Mining Industry in 2021”

Udaipur :  Hindustan Zinc (HZL), the leading producer of Zinc, Lead, and Silver in India has been awarded the Most Sustainable company in the mining industry by World Finance. The company is committed to smart, safe, and sustainable mining operations. Hindustan Zinc strives to conserve natural resources and adopt greener technologies wherever possible to ensure its environmental footprint shrinks year on year. The company has been recognized for its ESG disclosure, its ambitious Sustainability goals 2025, analysis of the environmental impact and responsible approach towards its business, and many efforts towards GHG emissions reduction, water stewardship, circular economy, biodiversity conservation, zero harm, positive impact on local communities, diversity and equality and responsible sourcing.

Commenting on the achievement CEO of Hindustan Zinc, Mr. Arun Misra said, “Sustainability is deeply embedded as an integral part of our work culture at Hindustan Zinc. We believe in driving long-term sustainable economic development by protecting the health and safety of our people, community, and environment. We are continuously investing in strengthening our operations by bringing best-in-class technology and digitalization solutions to walk the talk in being a smart and sustainable global organization. We are proud to be recognized as the “Most Sustainable Company in Mining Industry 2021” across the world and are committed to continue to lead in reducing CO2 emissions, water conservation, and biodiversity management.”.

Hindustan Zinc embarked on a digital transformation program to drive a different way of working for a sustainable future, aimed at enhancing stakeholder value through exploration, innovation, safety, and sustainability, maintaining market leadership, and increasing customer delight. Hindustan Zinc has increasingly been using technology for the automation of processes and has started integrating technologies across the value chain to reduce waste, increase resource efficiency, and drive-up productivity while promoting the harnessing of renewable energy sources.

Hindustan Zinc is taking all possible efforts to limit climate change, mitigate its catastrophic effects, and ultimately save lives. In addition to setting ambitious targets to achieve sustainability in the business, the company has established a stronger governance structure, for increased transparency. Protecting and enhancing biodiversity is also an integral part of Hindustan Zinc’s commitment to sustainable development. The company has a separate policy on biodiversity and stays committed to preventing risk on biodiversity throughout our business. The company aims to be self-sufficient and green in fulfilling energy requirements so as not to put any stress on the energy-starved state of Rajasthan, which plays host to a significant part of operations. The company’s portfolio of over 348.54 MW of renewable energy generation is testimony to the HZL philosophy of growing responsibly.

Hindustan Zinc is on a journey, one which focuses on nurturing leaders, conserving resources, improving health, safety, and wellbeing. The company aims to be the example that others wish to emulate when it comes to environmental performance, enhancing the quality of life, and fostering innovation. The company ranked first in the Asia-Pacific region and seventh globally in the metal and mining sector by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the third consecutive year and is among India’s first companies to be included in The CDP climate change ‘A List’ for 2020. This award is a testimony to Hindustan Zinc’s effort towards sustainability.

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