Hindustan Zinc Ranks ‘A-’ in Climate Change and Water Security by CDP

Udaipur : Hindustan Zinc has earned an A- rating from CDP, Disclosure Insight Action for tackling climate change and water security. The rating speaks about the company’s commitment towards achieving their vision of Net Zero emission. The sustainable efforts carried out by the company is driven by a strategic move to minimize and mitigate their impact on water, land, air quality, climate, and biodiversity.

On this achievement, Mr. Arun Misra, CEO of Hindustan Zinc said, “We are delighted to have been included on the CDP Climate “A-” List (Leadership Band) for our dedicated efforts towards mitigating climate change and water security challenges. This exemplifies our commitment to transparency and action. There is no doubt that climate change is one of the existential threats we have ever faced and water security has been a persistent issue. Among our operations, we have relentlessly pursued innovation to address these issues while increasing our efficiency & productivity with a constant focus on building a sustainable future”.

CDP, a non-profit charity that monitors global disclosure for companies, cities, states and regions to help manage their environmental impact and ramp up their climate action. CDP’s annual environmental disclosure and scoring process is widely recognized as the gold standard of corporate environmental transparency.

As a part of their Sustainable Development Goals, Hindustan Zinc fosters innovation in the pursuit of a Zero Harm, Zero Discharge & Zero Waste ecosystem, conservation of resources, and improvement of health, safety, and sustainability practices across its operations. Through significant demonstrable action on climate, the company, a Vedanta group company and India’s largest & only integrated producer of Zinc, Lead & Silver is leading in corporate environmental ambition, action, and transparency worldwide. The company is also certified as a 2.41 times water-positive company.

Continued efforts towards sustainable mining have resulted in Hindustan Zinc being awarded by CAP 2.0, S&P Global Platts Awards, GreenCo Certification, CII National 5S Excellence Award, Bhamashah Award and many more. The company also ranks 3rd globally and 1st in Asia-Pacific region in the metal and mining sector by S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment.

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