Pune, Udaipuralong with the Bernard van Leer Foundation raise awarenesson the link between cities and early childhood developmentatUN-HABITAT’S World Urban Forum 2020

Udaipur : The cities of Pune and Udaipurfrom Indiaalong with the Bernard van Leer Foundation (BvLF)attended the  10th session of UN_HABITAT’s World Urban Forum in Abu Dhabi to raise awareness on why cities need to pay attention to young children and their caregivers in their planning and management. At the Forum, the Foundation as well as its partner cities Pune and Udaipur vividly articulated their experience on howinfants, toddlers and their caregivers benefit from a focus on their needs when designing public spaces, mobility, and services. Moreover, the physical environment plays a critical role in the overall healthy development of a child and the well-being of their parents and other caregivers.

More than a billion children live in cities around the world, and rapid urbanisation means that number is growing. Infants, toddlers and caregivers experience the city in unique ways. They need safe, healthy environments, where crucial services are easily accessible, frequent, warm, responsive interactions with loving adults are possible, and safe, a stimulating physical environment to play in and explore abound.

But family-centred urban planning and design is not only about building more playgrounds. Families are disproportionately challenged by poor public transport, as well as food, healthcare and childcare ‘deserts’. Thoughtful urban planning and design can play a major role in addressing such challenges and in giving children a good start in life, by offering walkable, mixed-use neighbourhoods, lively, green public spaces, safe transport routes and transit systems, healthy environments with safe levels of air quality and low noise pollution, and vibrant community life that supports family well-being.

Bhubaneswar, Pune and Udaipur are the three cities in India already working along these lines to make their neighbourhoods inclusive by being child- and family-friendly. The participation of Pune and Udaipur in the Forum helped highlight the need for a people-centered and inclusive approachin Indian cities, given the rapid urbanization in the country. About 128.5 million children (27.2 percent) reside in Indian cities, of which 36.6 million are in the zero-five-year age group.

Organized and convened by UN-Habitat, the World Urban Forum has become the foremost international gathering for exchanging views and experiences on sustainable urbanization in all its ramifications. The inclusive nature of the Forum, combined with high-level participation, makes it a unique United Nations conference and the premier international gathering on urban issues.

Ms. Cecilia vaca Jones, Executive Director of the Bernard van Leer Foundation noted: “The presence of children and families is often a measure of a city’s vibrancy and dynamism. Urban families around the world, especially those living in poverty or in informal settlements, benefit in transformational ways from more — and more accessible — services, transport, and safe, clean, green spaces for small children to play and families to gather.Therefore, it is important to highlight the needs of young children and their families as convenings such as this year’s World Urban Forum in Abu Dhabi.”

Ms. Rushda Majeed, India Representativeof the Bernard van Leer Foundation said,“Rapid Urbanization, congestion, and deterioration of air quality disproportionately impactsbabies, toddlers, and young children. We believe that all babies and toddlers need a good environment and thoughtful urban planning and design can play a major role in giving them a good start in life. The World Urban Forum wasanopportunity to engage and discuss with like-minded individuals, sustainable solutions for building children and caregiver friendly cities.”

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