Signify illuminates 5primary health centers in Udaipur

Udaipur : Signify (Euronext: LIGHT), the world leader in lighting,recentlyilluminated 5primary health centers (PHC) in Udaipur, Rajasthan under its Swasthya Kiran CSR program. The project, executed in partnership with FINISH Society, will provide stable, clean and reliable energy supplyto these health centers, thereby ensuringbetter access to health care servicesfor more than 1 lakh people in the district.

The project includes the installation of a 2.5 KW solar energy power plant along with energy efficient lights and fans in each health center. The solar power plant will enable the centers to function even in the absence of power supply and will be especially relevant in this arid region, considering the extreme weather conditions during the summer months. The project was recently inaugurated by Shri Tara Chand Meena, IAS, District Magistrate, Udaipur. He highly commended Signify and FINISH Society for their efforts and bringing their synergies for the benefit ofthe citizens in the district.

“We are delighted to illuminate 5 primary health centers in Udaipur, Rajasthan under ourSwasthya Kiran CSR program. Our intent is to provide good quality illuminationin these centers, thereby enabling better access to medical services while also ensuring long term sustainability. We shall keep moving towards our goal of touching many more lives in the future with our CSR projects” said Natasha Wadhwa, Head – CSR, Signify Innovations India Limited.

Inaugurating the event, Abhijit Banerji, Member Secretary, FINISH Society said, “It is a privilege to be associated with Signify and continue working towards betterment of the society. In the second phase of the Swasthya Kiran program, we are glad to partner with the company toprovide quality medical services to citizens of Udaipur who will no longer face power supply obstructions and will also be able to save on cost and energy simultaneously with the solar power plant installed by Signify.”

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