Union Retirement Fund launch

Udaipur : Union AMC announces the launch of Union Retirement Fund. It is an open-ended retirement solutionoriented scheme having a lock-in of 5 years or till retirement age (whichever is earlier).

The NewFund Offer (NFO) of Union Retirement Fund (“the Scheme”) will open on 1st September 2022 andclose on 15th September 2022. The minimum investment required is Rs. 1,000 and in multiples of Rs.1 thereafter.

Union Retirement Fund comes at a time when companies across industries are being challenged byrecord attrition. Employees are opting for a change in industries and some are even dropping outcompletely in favour of temporary jobs in search of fulfilment, meaning and purpose. Juxtapose thistrend with a rise in life expectancy (life expectancy in India in its 75 years of independence hasmoved from ~30 years to nearly 70 years) and one needs serious planning and discipline to trulycapitalize on the freedom of the post retirement years.

The structure of the Scheme has also been designed to help customers in achieving the requireddiscipline. The Scheme comes with a compulsory lock in of 5 years or retirement age whichever isearlier and offers only an equity investment plan. 

Mr. G. Pradeepkumar, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Union AMC, said “Union Retirement Fund is not just an NFO. It is a bugle that calls for serious introspection amongst all stakeholders to dovetail Aspiration planning with Financial planning. Renewment planning is how one meticulously plans for Freedom in a disciplined manner. It goes beyond just planning for the pursuit or accumulation of wealth.” 

The allotment date will be 22nd September 2022 and the Scheme will re-open for ongoing sale andrepurchase on 29th September 2022. The Scheme is benchmarked against S&P BSE 500 Index (TRI)and will be managed by Mr. Vinay Paharia and Mr. Sanjay Bembalkar.

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