Vinay Electrical Solutions launches its exclusive showroom in Udaipur

The store showcases a wide range of home automation, smart and energy saver products, wires, electric switches and lights.

Udaipur :  Vinay Electrical Solutionsin association with Brightica Electric Concepts to launch their new exclusive showroom in Udaipuron the auspicious festival of Navratri. Strengthening its electrical roots in the north western region, this exclusive showroom showcases a unique and technologically advanced product rangeinHome Automation, Wiring Devices, Wires & Cables,LED lighting solutions, Switchgears etc.

Consumers can explore and experience the exceptionalRF based home automated products and smart gas sensor which are safer and secure making them a smart choice for their homes. Vibe Smart Gateway, one of their hot selling products is this smart hub which is capable of handling multiple device-to-device and device-to-user interactions while offering a seamless digital touch point across all devices ensuring accessibility and safety, anywhere & anytime.

Mr. Samir Gala, Director, Vinay Electrical Solutions said, “By 2021 we plan to launch more stores across India to cater to the growing need of the ECM (Electrical and Construction Material) Industry. There’s always been amassive requirement from Tier-1 and Tier-2 cities, especially for home automation product and we have been continually seen a spike in demand for our products from Udaipur city. This showroom launch in association with Brightica Electric Concepts is one of the first steps in catering to the region and plan to extend our through the same across the North Western Region.”

Customers can now visit and experience the products spread across400 sq. Udaipur, Rajasthan.

Vinay Electrical Solutions Pvt Ltd plans keep expanding and strengthening its roots by launching more stores across India by 2021.

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