Udaipur : As part ofCSR initiative,Legrand India, a global specialist in electrical and digital building infrastructure organized a Job Fair exclusively for electricians (both for Freshers & experienced) in Udaipur at Government ITI campus today, 9th March Wednesday in association with PSSC (Power Sector Skill Council) & Training Partner- Viswesvaraya Foundation.
This Job Fair is first of its kind in India’s power sector and is enticed towards being a social job fair geared towards employment generationand manpower development of the nation.

Through this Job Fair program, Legrand India aims to cater employment opportunities to the electricians, local, regional, and national employers who are interested in hiring trained or freshers from the field of Electrical world.
Legrand India has trained over 7500 electricians in last 4 years across 15 smart cities through their RPL – electricians training program under their CSR– skill development umbrella with PSSC support. This RPL program follows a three-fold approach of assessments, skill upgradation, and certificates through authorized training partners. Every year, 2000-2500 electricians are trained & received electrician tool kit.
Knowledge and Skills are motivating facets for development in any country. ‘Skilling India’, an initiative by Government of India plays a major role in improvementtowards the working group of our country.Legrand India is always committed to serve its community, and through their CSR initiatives their aim is to ensure development of the community.
To boost this activity further and encourage maximum people to walk- in at the Job Fair, Group Legrand India has also partnered with 95 FM Tadkaand BIG FM. This partnership helped in conveying the information of the activity and create an increased awareness amongst the citizens residing in Udaipur.
Speaking on this Mr. Tony Berland, Managing Director and CEO, LegrandGroup India said, “At Legrand, we greatly care about our community and strongly believe in giving back to the society. In the field of power sector there are no formal studies available in institutions which can equip a person with knowledge of different inputs required for the job performance. Special training is necessary for personnel at every level in the industry to keep abreast with rapidly advancing state of the-art technology in the power industry that we started our RPL program in 2017. We are happy that we could train & certify 7500+ electricians till now & this job fair is our next step to create further impact to our beneficiaries lives by connecting them with prospective employers. Based on this event’s success, we plan to conduct more such job fairs in future in other cities as well.”
Further he added, “We aim to train 15,000 electricians by 2024. With this target we are looking forward to diversifyingour training programs by including 5% of Women electricians every year. Through this opportunity, it would enhance Women empowerment mission under this CSR project.To add further this will increase a scope to showcase CSR project in various forum as multifaceted project which breaks the boundaries by facilitating women to enter in the Electrical trade and contribute.”