Dr. Tuktak Bhanawat elected President of Mahavir Yuva Manch

Udaipur : Dr Tuktak Bhanawat was elected as the Chairman of the coming year at the annual meeting of Mahavir Yuva Manch held on Monday. The announcement was made by election officer Arjun Khokhawat at the virtual annual meeting held on zoom app. Pramod Samar, chief patron of the forum, said that all the members present unanimously decided and it’s a pleasure for all of us. Dr. Bhanawat’s services will be more useful for the platform during transition periods like COVID 19. Former Chairman Dr. Snehdeep Bhanawat and Women’s Cell President Rashmi Pagariya expressed elation over the appointment of Dr. Bhanawat and brief about the various activities and programmes that took place during his tenure. Treasurer Om Porwal presented financial details of his tenure. Dr. Bhanawat expressed his gratitude to all the members and expressed his intention to take up more health care programmes in view of corona infection and the main trends of cooperation, strength and confidence. Program was conducted by Neeraj Singhvi and vote of thanks by Vikram Bhandari .

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