Hindustan Zinc& India’s First All Women Mine Rescue Team bags 2ndposition at International Mines Rescue Competition

  • Competing against more than 20 highly trainedteams from 8 countries, Hindustan Zinc’s all women mine rescue team secured the 2nd position in the category of women’s taskforce
  • The event is organized by International Mines Rescue Body (IMRD) at Colombia

Udaipur : In a historic achievement for India and Hindustan Zinc Limited (NSE: HINDZINC), the world’s second-largest integrated zinc producer, announced that the company’s first all-women mine rescue team has secured second place in the women’s taskforce category at the XIII International Mines Rescue Competition. Organized by Colombia’s National Mining Agency under the guidance of the International Mines Rescue Body (IMRB), this year’s competition featured over 20 teams from eight countries. Notably, this is the first time an all-women team has represented India on this prestigious platform.

The competition, hosted annually by different countries, involved rescue drills and tests simulating critical underground mine rescue scenarios. Renowned for assessing both practical and technical expertise, the competition tested teams in six categories, including mine rescue in breathing and non-breathing atmospheres, first aid, rescue skills, equipment maintenance, and theoretical knowledge.

Sharing his elation on the achievement, Arun Misra, CEO of Hindustan Zinc Limited, stated, “Our women in mining have achieved something truly unprecedented.This is the first all-women team to represent India and earn international recognition, elevating our country in the global mining arena. Competing against over 20 teams from various countries in a gender-neutral environment, these incredible women have made India proud on the global stage.It’s a surreal moment for all of us as this team has proven that women are every bit as capable as men, with their grit, determination, and strength shining through.”

Team member Nehal Solanki expressed her joy: “It’s surreal to make history as India’s first women’s team to compete on this global stage and earn the recognition of 2nd position worldwide. I’m grateful for the support and opportunities Hindustan Zinc has provided throughout my journey.” Sandhya Singh, another team member, added, “Seeing the Indian flag hoisted in Colombia was a proud moment for all of us. The competition challenged us to push our limits, and this recognition validates our hard work. I’m thankful for Hindustan Zinc’s innovative programs that areopening new doors for women in mining and metals.”

As India’s premier mining and metals company, Hindustan Zinc remains at the forefront of fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce. The company has long prioritized initiatives aimed at breaking barriers and setting new standards by ensuring astandardized work experience powered by rapid digitalization and automation that is breaking the misconception of heavy & physical labour associated with the sector. Hindustan Zinc’s commitment to supporting women at every stage of life—both personally and professionally—has led to career-enhancing opportunities, including night shifts, rich job content, and progressive workplace policies like spouse hiring, year-long sabbaticals for childcare, and leave policies prioritizing mental and physical health.

As an equal-opportunity employer, Hindustan Zinc believes that a diverse workforce is key to high performance. This belief is reflected in their workforce, with nearly 22% female representation in executive roles and a remarkable 54% of female engineers in executive positions. Hindustan Zinc remains a frontrunner in promoting diversity across all dimensions and has set an ambitious target of achieving 30% diversity in all executive and management roles.

Hindustan Zinc Limited, a Vedanta Group company, is the world’s second-largest integrated zinc producer and the third-largest silver producer. The company supplies to more than 40 countries and holds a market share of about 75% of the primary zinc market in India. Hindustan Zinc has been recognized as the world’s most sustainable company in the metals and mining category by the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment 2023, reflecting its operational excellence, innovation, and leading ESG practices. The company also launched EcoZen Asia’s first low carbon ‘green’ zinc brand that has a carbon footprint of less than 1 tonne of carbon equivalent per tonne of zinc produced, about 75% lower than the global average. Hindustan Zinc is also a certified 2.41 times Water-Positive company and is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050 or sooner. As a world leader in the metals and mining industry, Hindustan Zinc is pivotal in providing critical metals essential for the global energy transition for a sustainable future.

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