Hindustan Zinc Nurturing Biodiversitywith Miyawaki Plantation

  • Revolutionary reforestation technique restores nature’s balance
  • – Hindustan Zinc has planted saplings32,500 sapling of 65 diverse species in Debari, Dariba&Chanderiya

Udaipur : In midst of rapid urbanisation and its impact on the environment, Miyawaki Plantation has emerged as a beacon of hope. On this Biodiversity Day, we delve into the ingenious technique that is transforming barren land into thriving green havens. Through the implementation of the Miyawaki Plantation, Hindustan Zinc has successfully transformed 2.4 hectares across its operational units in Debari, Dariba and Chanderiya. The company has planted 32,500 saplings of 65 diverse species in its operational units through a chemical-free approach.

Miyawaki Plantation, pioneered by Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki, revolutionized reforestation efforts by establishing dense, diverse and rapidly growing forests in a short span of time. By emulating the natural processes of a forest ecosystem, this technique results in self-sustaining forests that enrich biodiversity, restore degraded lands, enhance air quality, mitigate climate change and create green spaces.

Hindustan Zinc, India’s largest and only integrated producer of Zinc, Lead & Silver, has enriched its surroundings with canopy layers, tree layers, small bushes and other flora. The technique helps plants to grow ten times faster than conventional methods which results in a thirty-fold increase in plantation density. Consequently, the carbon sequestration potential is significantly enhanced, contributing to a more sustainable future.This has brought about a positive impact by lowering the ambient temperature, improved soil nutrition and creating of safe havens for wildlife.

To mitigate climate risk, Hindustan Zinc has joined the Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) forum, underlining their dedication to preserving Earth’s rich biodiversity. Additionally, the company has signed a significant three-year collaboration with International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). These strategic endeavourssolidifythe company’s commitment to sustainability and has resulted them to rank 3rd Globally and 1st in Asia Pacific Region in S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment under metal & mining sector.

As we commemorate Biodiversity Day, it’s essential to recognize the immense potential of Miyawaki Plantation and motivate government, organisations and individuals to implement this technique in their surroundings.

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