Udaipur : Hindustan Zinc’s Sakhi Project conducted its one-and-a-half-month-long campaign, Uthori, aimed at tackling societal issues and sensitizing the rural community. The Uthori Campaign’s reach extended across all operational areas including Agucha, Chanderiya, Dariba, Debari, Kayad, Pantnagar, and Zawar, covering more than 90,000 individuals, reaffirming the commitment towards bringing positive change at the grassroots level.

The campaign witnessed a plethora of channels including village drives, group discussions, rallies, and school sessions, effectively creating awareness on pressing concerns such as Domestic Violence, Child Marriage, Female Foeticide, Unequal Education Opportunities, and Child Sexual Abuse. A pivotal aspect of this initiative has been the establishment of a dedicated cadre known as ‘Gender Sakhis’, comprising women equipped to educate their peers and the broader community on these vital matters.
Among the campaign’s standout moments was the training and subsequent sessions on Safe and Unsafe Touch conducted by Gender Sakhis at numerous schools within operational areas. Additionally, an enlightening session on Inclusion in Sports highlighted the transformative power of sports in fostering inclusivity and equal opportunities, both on and off the field. In a bid to innovate within the Uthori segment, a five-day Residential Theatre Workshop, supported by Katha Manch, Delhi, empowered thirty Sakhi women with theatrical mediums to address social issues. These women further demonstrated their talent and advocacy at the Sakhi Utsav events, amplifying awareness on a larger platform.
Sakhi project was incorporated by Hindustan Zincto bring socio-economic empowerment amongst rural & tribal women by mobilising them into Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and developing a platform that provides vocational training or carve a path of entrepreneurship. Currently, the program is transforming the lives of around 27,000+ Women and continues to act as a beacon of hope not just for them but for the communities around them.