IIFL Foundation celebrates Anand Utsav with 36,000 girl students, 1100 teachers

Udaipur : IIFL Foundation which runs‘Sakhiyon Ki Baadi’ – one of India’s largest girl child literacy programs in Rajasthan andhas brought over 36,000 out-of-school girls into education fold, recently celebrated Anand Utsav through online mode as it completed fourth year of operation successfully.

Anand Utsav was hosted by Mrs. Madhu Jain, Director, IIFL Foundation and Mr. Nirmal Jain, Chairman, IIFL Group and was also graced by Mrs. Sangeeta Ji Beniwal, Chairperson, Rajasthan State Commission for Protection of Child Rights, Mrs. Basanti Ji Meena, Pradhan, Sarda Block and Mrs. Chetna Bhatti, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Dr. Shailendra Ji Pandya, Member, Rajasthan State Commission for Protection of Child Rights. 

Mrs. Madhu Jain, Director, IIFL Foundation said, “We thank the support of the government, the village community, our 1100 teachers, parents of the 36,000 children for this progress. We believe this is just the beginning and there are miles to go. Our mission is to see 100% girl child literacy in Rajasthan and we will work towards the same with all the stakeholders.”

IIFL Foundation works primarily in the rural areas of Rajasthan and with underprivileged indigenous tribal communities, where girl child literacy waseven less than 10% in many cases.

“Literacy has not only brought about education but also social awareness, health awareness and dignity for our students. The awareness has allowed communities to understand and eradicate girl child marriage which was common in these areas.”

Anand Utsav saw performance by over 200 students from across regions and was judged by Mrs. Rajkumari Bhargava, Former Member, Child Welfare Committee, Shri. Biren Lobo, Social Scientist, and Mrs. Meenakshi Ji Sudhan, Principal, Mahatma Gandhi Govt. School, Lunkaransar, Bikaner.

Other dignitaries at the event were Mrs. RichaAudichya, Director, JanchetnaSansthan, Mr Ravi Baghel, CEO, SrushtiSevaSamiti, Mrs.Geetha Menon, Mr Rajiv Shinde and MrSahil Hamid from IIFL Foundation. Mr Praveen Paneri presented during the whole event program beautifully. 

IIFL Foundation has received multiple international and national accolades for its successful girl child literacy program. The foundation has received the Golden Peacock Award for CSR, AsiaOne has recognised it as ‘India’s greatest CSR brand’, Golden Globe Tigers International Awards conferred the Women Empowerment Award to Sakhiyon Ki Baadi program.  The National Award for CSR Excellence has recognised the foundation for ‘outstanding contribution to the cause of education’, while Sakhiyon Ki Baadi program received the ‘best CSR impact initiative award’. Karma Awards recognised ‘Sakhiyon Ki Baadi’ with the most promising CSR program.

The foundation’s Director Madhu Jain has also received CSR Leadership Awards at Golden Globe Tigers International Awards 2020 and National Awards for Excellence in CSR 2020. While Global CSR Congress recognised her as the Woman CSR Leader of the year in 2020.

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