More than 180 Rural & Tribal villagers benefit from Medical Health Camps organized by Hindustan Zinc’s Zawar Group of Mines

Udaipur : Hindustan Zinc’s Zawar Group of Minesin collaboration with Zawar hospital organized medical health camps in interior hamlets of Singhatwada and Tidi Panchayaths.The camp was set up at Primary School Wadiand Centre Nagela and Primary School Garetarespectively. The locations were chosen considering the lack of medical facilitiesand access to medical care such as PHCs or sub centres for the villagers.More than 183 villagers were benefitted out of which 85 villagers took the medical assistance at Wadi camp and 98 at Nagela Camp.

This was the first of its kind medical camp in the village and so it did receive appreciation from the villagers.The main objective of the camp was to provide primary health care support to the villagers. The camp included providing medications for infectious diseases such as common cold, diarrhoea, fungal infections (mycosis) etc. The doctors also examined multiple patients for anaemia, vitamin deficiency, mouth ulcers and provided necessary tonics and medicinal procedures for them.The medical campsalso further focussed creating awareness amongst the villagers to get regular check-ups done and to ensure personal hygiene.

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