SBI Card andVistara Come Together to Launch Premium Co-Branded Credit Cards

Udaipur : SBI Card and Vistara,India’s finest full-service carrier, have joined hands to launch a one-of-its-kind premium credit card for travel savvy urban Indians.Launched in two variants, Club Vistara SBI Card PRIME and Club Vistara SBI Card, the new cardhasbeen designed to offer a rewardingtravel experience to cardholders, through unique benefits and unmatched value proposition, on domestic and international travel spends.

The newly launched Club Vistara SBI Card PRIME will further address the evolving needs of the Indian travellers who aspire to travel in style and luxury. The card offers benefits such as,one-way Premium Economy tickets on joining and achieving spends-based milestone(s), complimentary Club Vistara Silver tier membership, upto six free cancellation of flight tickets booked on Vistara channels viz. website, app and helpline, and also complimentary lounge access- up to fourinternational and eightdomestic,among host of other benefits.

Speaking at the launch,Mr Hardayal Prasad, MD & CEO, SBI Card, said, “SBI Card has always strived to bring products for its customers that are customised as per their diverse lifestyle and preferences, offering maximum value and enhanced experience. Travel is one of the key spend categories for our cardholders. Through our partnership with Vistara, India’s best airline, we aim to address unique requirements of our customers, especially urban millennials, whose spend on travel has increased over a period of time and are looking for related privileged benefits. This launch, has increased our travel credit card portfolio that we have built over the years, targeted at fulfilling variedneeds of our customers.”

Mr. LeslieThng,Chief Executive Officer, Vistara, said, “Our endeavour is to enhance the value proposition of Club Vistara and elevate its position from a frequent flyer program to a more attractive, comprehensive lifestyle program that makes an essential part of everyday lives of our customers. As travel spends continue to significantly rise among today’s urban consumers, we wish to provide more options to the ever-increasing number of our loyal customers to join Club Vistara and enjoy the privileges of their Club Vistara membership.”

The two variants of the Club Vistara SBI Card come with several benefits and privileges, such ascomplimentary Club Vistara Silver/Base tier membership,welcome tickets on Vistara’s domestic network,One-Class Upgrade voucher, free cancellation on Vistara bookings, travel insurance protection,lounge access vouchers, complimentary membership to Priority Pass Program,and attractive rewards on reaching milestone spends.

Club Vistara SBI Card PRIMEholdersearn nine Club Vistara (CV) Points for every INR 100 spent on flight ticket bookings with Vistara.

Club Vistara SBI Card holdersearnup to four CV Points for everyINR 200 on eligible spends on the card. These CV Points can be redeemed for domestic and international flightson Vistara and its partner airlines.

The joining fees for Club Vistara SBI Card and Club Vistara SBI Card PRIME are INR 1499 plus GST and INR 2999 plus GST, respectively, renewed annually at the same charges.

Highlights of Club Vistara SBI Card PRIME:

  • Complimentary Club Vistara Silver tier membership every year
    • 9 CV Points for every INR 100 spent on Vistara flight ticket bookings
    • 1 Lounge Access voucher & 1 One-Class Upgrade voucher
    • Priority waitlist clearance
    • Priority airport check-in at Premium Economy Counter
    • Increased check-in baggage allowance (+ 5kgs)
    • Increased check-in baggage allowance for Economy Lite fares (+1 Piece)
  • A one-way Premium Economy class ticket on Vistara’s domestic networkas welcome benefit andon renewal each year
  • Up to 4 additional one-way Premium Economy class tickets on Vistara’s domestic network uponreaching key milestones in spends
  • Hotel gift voucher of worth INR 10,000 upon reaching key milestones in spends
  • Up to 6 free cancellation of flight tickets booked on Vistara channels viz. website, app and helpline through the card
  • 3000 bonus CV Points on spending INR 75,000 within 90 days of card issuance
  • 4 CV Points per eligible spend of INR 200 on the card
  • Comprehensive travel insurance cover
    • Air accident cover of up to INR 1 crore, lost baggage and personal documents, baggage delay, loss of passport, baggage damage, flight cancellation
  • Fraud liability cover of up to INR 1 lakh
  • Joining and annual renewal fee is INR 2999 plus GST

Highlights of Club Vistara SBI Card:

  • Complimentary Club Vistara Base membership
    • 8 CV Points for every INR 100 spent on Vistara flight ticket bookings
  • A one-way Economy Class ticket on Vistara’s domestic network as welcome benefit and on renewal each year
  • Up to 3 additional one-way Economy Class tickets on Vistara’s domestic network upon reaching key milestones in spends
  • Hotel gift voucher of worth INR 5,000 upon reaching key milestones in spends
  • Up to 4 free cancellation of flight tickets booked on Vistara channels viz. website, app and helpline through the card
  • Complimentary membership to Priority Pass program (worth USD 99) for the entire duration of the product
  • Up to 4 complimentary visits to domestic lounges per year (maximum 1 per quarter)
  • 1000 bonus CV Points on spending INR 50,000 within 90 days of card issuance
  • 3 CV Points per eligible spend of INR 200 on the card
  • Comprehensive travel insurance cover
    • Air accident cover of up to INR 50 lakh, lost baggage and personal documents, baggage delay, loss of passport, baggage damage, flight cancellation
  • Fraud liability cover of up to INR 1 lakh
  • Joining and annual renewal fee is INR 1499 plus GST

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