Udaipur : Vedanta Limited has been conferred the “Best Organisation Contributing in Sports Through CSR” at the FICCI India Sports Awards 2019. The award, which was chosen by an eminent jury chaired by Justice Mukul Mudgal, recognized Vedanta’s efforts towards promoting and building an ecosystem around various sports in the country. Held at a glittering ceremony in the capital, Mr Annanya Agarwal, President, Vedanta Sports received this award on behalf of Vedanta Limited from Shri Tusharkanti Behera, Hon’ble Minister of Sport, Govt. of Odisha.

Vedanta, as part of its sports initiatives, has pledged its support to the development of Indian sports, with emphasis on social and economic upliftment, youth development, community building, women empowerment and promoting healthy living. Heading the efforts of the company in sports are two prominent initiatives – Zinc Football in Rajasthan and Sesa Football Academy in Goa, which provide football training to over 2,500 children from across the country. 

Mr Annanya Agarwal, President, Vedanta Sports said, “We are really proud of this achievement and honoured to receive the award for the Best Organisation Contributing in Sports Through CSR. This recognition will motivate and inspire us to work even harder to achieve the goal of holistic development of the country’s youth through our sports initiatives. We will be even more focussed in our endeavour of taking sports in India to newer heights and grab more laurels for the nation.”

The company has also interests in promoting archery and various marathons, apart from supporting several para-athletes who have brought numerous accolades for the country, winning over 24 gold, 3 silver and 4 bronze medals in international events. 

The India Sports Awards are an attempt by FICCI to acknowledge the contribution and felicitate Olympic sports achievers and the various stakeholders in the ecosystem who do exceptional work in the promotion of sports and bring pride to the nation.

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