Hindustan Zinc provides oxygen to local governing bodies in fight against COVID 19

– Hindustan Zinc supplied 1500 litres industrial oxygen to Udaipur health administration

-Liquid industrial oxygen will be used through clinical procedures for medical treatment of patients

Udaipur: COVID 19 cases have been rapidly rising in the state causing a huge influx of patients in hospitals and a shortage of oxygen for respiratory treatments. To meet this shortage, Hindustan Zinc took the initiative of providing industrial oxygen supply to hospitals as a substitute for oxygen. The company transported a 1000 litre liquid oxygen tanker from its industrial oxygen plant at Rajpura Dariba Complex to RNT medical college at Udaipur.

Appreciating the efforts and significant contribution by Hindustan Zinc, the Udaipur district collector Chetan Devra said, “With an increase in COVID cases, there is an increase in the requirement of oxygen as well. Most of the patients being admitted to hospitals are such critical cases who require oxygen in their treatment. I really wish to appreciate Hindustan Zinc’s efforts because once I made a request to provide oxygen, they started sending 5000 litres liquid oxygen per day with the help of their plant at Dariba. On behalf of entire Administration I again thank Hindustan Zinc for their persistent efforts in battling COVID.”

Hindustan Zinc’s CEO Mr. Arun Misra said, “At Hindustan Zinc, we believe in the philosophy of ‘people first’ and are committed to support our communities and local administration in every way possible.

As a responsible organisation, we’ve started supplying liquid oxygen to help the gap in availability of oxygen in treating COVID patients in hospitals. Hindustan Zinc has set aside 100% of its liquid oxygen production facility in Dariba smelter to supply oxygen.”

Since 2011, Hindustan Zinc has been 100% self-sufficient in terms of commercial oxygen supply thanks to its industrial oxygen plant at Dariba. The plant has a capacity to produce 4-5MT/day of liquid oxygen and the same is stored in tanks with capacity 2.50MT. The atmosphere air is converted to oxygen through a cryogenic process which gives the highest purity of oxygen and the resultant product is used in process plant, part of which in liquid form and is stored in the tanks. The plant has dedicated 100% of its monthly production of 150MT oxygen to hospitals. This oxygen will be undergo clinical procedures to be used for medical treatments of critical patients.

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