Debari Fire Safety team’s quick emergency response helps avert major crisis

Udaipur : Hindustan Zinc’s commitment to safety is not only restricted to the workplace but extended to the communities as well. A brilliant display of this commitment was made by the Fire Safety Team of Zinc Smelter Debari at the Public Health Engineering Department (PHED) building in Udaipur.

On 31st August at around noon, a huge chlorine gas leakage was noticed from a tonner valve at the PHED building. Sensing a possible case of emergency, the PHED officials straight away reached to the management of Zinc Smelter Debari asking for help. An immediate rescue team was prepared and directed to reach the location along with chlorine kits, sufficient bags of caustic soda, proper chemical suits, SCBA set and other protective equipments to help the community.

The quick response, emergency preparedness and safety management of this Fire Safety Team helped avert a major leakage and a potential crisis. The rescue team, comprising of Prakhar Pareek (Engineer – HZL), Narender Singh, Himmat Singh, Ajay Singh, Narender Meghwal and Gourav Bairagi, (Rescue Members) were appreciated by the Police, Local administration and PHED officers appreciated for their support to serve the community.

On 24th May, the Fire Safety Team of Debari were also quick to support the local fire department to help douse a fire near Udaipur. A fire broke out in one of the paint factories located in RICO industrial area of Kaldwas where this team supported the Police and Factory Management during the crisis.

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