Devidayal Solar Solutions to organise a two-day solar-refrigerators demo event

Udaipur : Mumbai-based Devidayal Solar (DDSolar) Solutions is set to organise a marketing and demonstration event at Jhadol and Gogunda block of Udaipur district on 4 and 5 August 2022 where its solar DC refrigerators are installed. In a bid to improve rural livelihoods, especially in the areas where continuous energy access remains a challenge, the DD Solar team will be showcasing their refrigerators and will acquaint the community with its features and benefits.

The Powering Livelihoods programme – a joint initiative by the Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) and Villgro Innovations Foundation – is supporting DD Solar to scale Distributed Renewable Energy (DRE) in these areas of Rajasthan, the rural heartlands of Maharashtra, and Uttar Pradesh.

The two-day event will be attended by over 200 women on each day, including Self-help group (SHG) members, members from Rajasthan Grameen Aajeevika Vikas Parishad (RGAVP), and potential end-users whose livelihoods can be enhanced through the use of DD Solar refrigerators. Local FPO heads and members will also be present at the event to educate the villagers about the positive use of clean energy in day-to-day activities with a stringent focus on the dairy and fruit pulp segments.

“We have installed our solar-based high-tech refrigerators at ‘Demo Centres’ where people will get a real-time experience of how these appliances can help transform their lives while keeping the environment clean. This is a golden opportunity for the visitors as our existing customers will be given a platform to review our product. One can see for themselves how beneficial DD Solar products can be for improving their livelihoods” said Tushar Devidayal, Founder & CEO of Devidayal Solar Solutions.

RGAVP members who are also supporting the field activities of DD Solar at the event would be acquainting the attendees with the specifications of the refrigerators. Currently, these refrigerators are being used extensively in fisheries, dairy, kirana shop, and fruit pulp segments. DD Solar team has invited the village members, with a special focus on women, to be a part of the event and understand the concept of Distributed Renewable Energy (DRE) and its use for improving their livelihoods. Devidayal Solar Solutions focuses on the design, manufacture, sale, and distribution of productive use of off-grid solar DC appliances for income generation and enhancement with solar DC refrigerators being their flagship product.

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