Hindustan Zinc shines bright with 7 awards at the 26th Bhamashah Award for contribution to the Education field

Udaipur :  Hindustan Zinc records a clear win at the 26th Bhamashah awards by receiving seven awards for their initiatives and projects in theeducation sector.Bhamashah Award was presented by Education Minister, Rajasthan-BD Kallain the presence of Additional Chief Secretary School Education – Pawan Kumar Goel, Minister of State for Education – Dr Subhash Garg and other dignitariesto Hindustan Zinc’s Zawar Group of Mines, Chanderiya Lead Zinc Smelter, Zinc Smelter Debari, Rajpura Dariba Complex, Rampura Agucha Mine, Kayad Mine and Central CSR Team Corporate Office.

Hindustan Zinc has always firmly supported the education of countless young women, facilitating their respective journeys towards success,and fulfilling their careers.These awards reflect Hindustan Zinc’s commitment to the education sector and further strengthens the credibility of its CSR initiatives for literacy by enabling rural communities to access quality education.

Around 52.53 crores were spent by the units of Hindustan Zincfor education related initiatives. Chanderiya Lead Zinc Smelter contributed in large numbers towards the education sector by spending an amount of 13.16 crore, Rajpura Dariba Complex 9.34, Zawar Mines 2.7 crore, Zinc Smelter Debari 3.64 crore, Rampura Agucha 4.72 crore, Central unit, Udaipur 14 crore and Kayad, 5.13 crore. The development and betterment of the education sector have always been the top-most priority for Hindustan Zinc under their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives.More than 2 lakh children are being benefitted every year through projects run by Hindustan Zinc for education.

In pursuit of this aim, the Khushi Anganwadi Nand Ghar programme focuses on improving health and nutrition, and imparting preschool learning. The project, Shiksha Sambal covers the secondary and higher secondary education aspects and works to strengthen vocabulary and language ability amongst rural students. Under the Unchi Udaan Project, young talent from nearby areas is provided with rigorous academic coaching for the preparation of entrance exams like IIT and other reputed academic institutions. Parallelly, through Vedanta Ringus College, girls facing barriers in pursuing higher education are identified and provided a comprehensive scholarship. As part of empowering the specially-abled youth, the Jeevan Tarang project works on mainstreaming and capacity building of people with disabilities.

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