Hindustan Zinchonoured with Gold Rating at the 7th CII National 5S Excellence Awards 2022

The company’s Zinc Smelter Debari wasrewarded under the Manufacturing category forits efficient operations

Udaipur : Hindustan Zinc’s Zinc Smelter Debari has been awarded Gold rating at the 7th CII National 5s Excellence Awards 2022. The rating was awarded under Manufacturing category after a thorough assessment of the workplace and it shows the continuous effort that is being put in by the company to increase efficiency along with eliminating waste.

Hindustan Zinc has always prioritised the vision of Zero Waste in its operations and is constantly working towards making the ecosystem cleaner, safer, efficient, and productive across all its operational units. All the measures adapted by the smelter ensures that the morale of the workforce remains highly positive, promotes a sense of pride in their work and enhance ownership of their responsibilities. All of these measures ultimately result in the overall profitability of the company.

Hindustan Zinc, India’s largest & only integrated producer of Zinc, Lead & Silver, has India’s Oldest Smelter at Debari. The smelter at Debari is committedto achieve business targets, strengthening its manufacturing and working towards a more sustainable future. The company is moving forward in the future with their exemplary performance. 

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