Hindustan Zinc’s Rampura Agucha Mine wins top awardat the International Convention on Quality Control Circles

Udaipur :  Hindustan Zinc’s Rampura Agucha Mine has won ‘Platinum’ award at the 45th International Convention on Quality Control Circles organized by Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI).Team ‘Fourth Wave’ – consisting of members Mr. Sourav Debnath, Ms. Nidhi Aggarwal and Mr. Abhishek Singh represented Rampura Agucha Mine at the international convention with their case study titled “Upgrading Line of Sight to Tele-remote production bogging” and won the highest award of the convention.

Apart from the top accolade at ICQCC, four teams from the Agucha SBU had also participated in 34th National Convention on Quality Concepts (NCQC) – 2020 organized by Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI) and won multiple awards. The teams – Cooling Crackers & Kayad Haulers bagged “Par excellence award”, Team – Change Movers bagged “Excellence award”; whileTeam – Ramasbagged “Distinguish Award” in the convention. With these recognitions, teams Cooling Crackers, Kayad Haulers and Change Movers have now qualified for the ICQCC to be held in October 2021.

Hindustan Zinc lays great emphasis on quality circles to foster a culture of innovation and high performance. The quality circles help achieve and maintain quality standards, while also delivering business targets, strengthening reliabilities of asset and contributing towards sustainable growth. 

Earlier, Hindustan Zinc’s Pantnagar Metal Plant had won “Par Excellence Award” and “Excellence Award” at 34th National Convention on Quality Concepts Awards 2020, who’ve also qualified for the ICQCC to be held in October 2021.

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