Jaguar Land Rover announces their annual Holiday Service Camp, exclusively for its customers

Udaipur : Jaguar Land Rover, India today announced their annual Holiday Service Camp, exclusively for its customers, from 14th to 19thNovember 2022 across all authorised retailers in India. At the camp, customers can benefit from a comprehensive vehicle check and exclusive offers on Branded Goods, Accessories and Value-Added Services. All vehicles will be attended to by highly trained Jaguar and Land Rover technicians and receive the assurance of Jaguar and Land Rover Genuine Parts, where necessary.

The camp will offer a 32-point Electronic Vehicle Health Check-Up, Brake and Wiper check, Tyre and Fluid Level check, as well as a comprehensive Battery Health check, ensuring every journey is made safe and secure.

Rohit Suri, President and Managing Director, Jaguar Land Rover India, said: “This holiday season, we welcome our customers to get a comprehensive vehicle health inspectionby highly trained Jaguar and Land Rover technicians. The holiday service camp is a useful program designed to address the seasonal needs of our customers.”

For customers with chauffeurs, the service camp will also include a specially curated Chauffeur Training Program* that will cover all aspects of driving and vehicle maintenance.

To avail these services, customers can schedule an appointment with the closest authorised retailer between 9:30amand4:30pm from 14th to 19thNovember2022.

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