Udaipur : Rajasthan Football Association has successfully conducted the Women’s National Football Camp at Hindustan Zinc Stadium, Debari. The camp started on 30th May with 30 of the best women players, all of whom are under the age of 17 years from Rajasthan, going toe to toe.
The 18-day long camp saw its culmination on 16th June, 2022 with the State Association now set to shortlist the final 20 players based on their performance and progress during the camp. The squad of 20 girls will go on to represent Rajasthan in the Junior Women’s National Football Tournament to be held in Assam where they are scheduled to start their campaign against Bengal on 22nd June.
Rajasthan Football Association further expressed their gratitude to Hindustan Zinc Limited and their CSR initiative Zinc Football program for extending their infrastructure, facilities in addition to taking care of their fooding and lodging, which played an integral part in the success of this camp.
Speaking at the closing ceremony, Dilip Singh Shekhawat, Secretary, Rajasthan Football Association said: “We are thankful to Hindustan Zinc Limited and the Zinc Football team for extending a helping hand in conducting this national camp and giving a platform for these young girls to showcase and nurture their skills. It’s been a privilege to be associated with a team that shares the same goal as us –the development of football in the state as well as the country.”
Tarun Roy, Head Coach, Zinc Football Academy said, “We, as a team, are extremely happy to have successfully hosted the training camp. It’s always in our plans to contribute to the development of women’s football and this is just a small step towards it. We wish these young girls with immense desire for the game all the best for the upcoming tournament.”
The closing ceremony on Thursday was graced by Tara Singh Meena, Udaipur District Collector;  Abhimanyu Singh, President, DFA, Udaipur; Sakil Hussain, Secretary, DFA, Udaipur; Lal Singh Jhala, Former President, DFA, Udaipur; Amit Wali, Process Head, Debari, Hindustan Zinc (HZL); Digambar Patil, Environment Head, HZL; Vijay Parikh, Chief Security Officer, HZL, Anup Kumar, HR Head, HZL; Rakesh Rohilla, Commercial Head, HZL and Aruna Cheeta, Debari CSR Head, HZL; who cheered on the girls and extended best wishes for their future.

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