Thakur Global Business School invites applications for its PGDM programme

Admissionhasbegun for the academic year 2023.

Udaipur : Thakur Global Business School, Kandivali, has announced the beginning of the admission process for its Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)programme for the academic year 2023-24. Interested candidates can apply through the online application form.

 The admission helpline numbers are 9819755301 or (022) – 6730 8201 / 8202 / 8208. The counselling timing is Monday to Saturday, from 10 AM to 5.30 PM. Candidates can also write to tgbs@thakureducation.orgfor any assistance.

Thakur Global Business School is committed to providing quality education and building a dynamic community of future leaders. The programme is designed to provide a strong foundation in business fundamentals and offers specializations in areas such as marketing, finance, human resources, and operations management.

Thakur Global Business School is known for its excellent infrastructure, experienced faculty with international exposure, and industry-oriented curriculum. The institute aims to develop future business leaders who can drive growth, innovation, and sustainability in the global business environment.  
Candidates are encouraged to apply at the earliest to avoid missing out on the opportunity to join Thakur Global Business School, Kandivali.
“We are excited to invite aspiring business leaders to join Thakur Global Business School, where we are committed to providing quality education and nurturing the skills necessary for success in the global business landscape. The curriculum has been designed in such a way as to create a band of dynamic and vibrant business graduates who can take on the challenges of an ever-changing world of business,” said Dr. Shuchi Gautam, In-Charge, Director, Thakur Global Business School.

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