The world of medical education is changing drastically : Dr. Suman Jain

Udaipur : New technology in medical education brings drastic changes in teaching learning and assessing medical undergraduates. This was said by Professor Suman Jain after attending the conference and presented paper at13th national conference on Health Professional Education-2022 at  Swami Ram Himalayan University, Dehradun.

Today medical education plays important role in community and Society services. Medical college is a place which produces large number of Competent Indian medical graduates. So NMC has implemented changes in medical course curriculum and gave new touch to medical graduates with soft skills, professionalism and ethics in MBBS curriculum. Medical students assign’s future of best health care services, hence quality of education demands.

More than 200 scientists gathered online and offline  to learn and implement newer innovation in teaching learning and assessing medical graduates. DrSuman Jain, Co Coordinator, participated as representative of Pacific Institute of Medical Sciences attended 2 workshops on Facilitating Communication skills and presented paper on Blueprint of assessment in Biochemistry for MBBS students. She had already presented 4 papers in medical education. Pacific Institute of Medical Sciences supports in every way Medical education team to implement innovations in teaching, learning, assessing and all direction development of their students.

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