Tide announces their newest campaign #TideforTime

Udaipur :The pandemic has hit India hard, with major towns and cities going under lockdown. With work from home and social distancing, everyone is spending more time indoors. Though a strict lockdown nationwide has brought many familiestogether under one roof, this hasalso resulted in increased workload in the house. This adds up over time and has a larger impact.  A recently conducted survey revealed 82%* agree that balancing housework and office work has led to spending lesser time with your family during the pandemic.

Taking this insight forward, Tide, the biggest laundry brand globally the leading fabric care brand in India from P&G, has announced their newest campaign #TideforTime with the launch of a new film.With this campaign, Tide is shining the spotlight on this story of many households across the country, where everyday tasks take up most of the hours, leaving little time for anything else. By raising an important question – ‘Are we spending our time on what’s really important?’ Tide aims to contextualise the importance of time for the families of today.

Conceptualized in a heartwarming narrative, the new#TideforTimefilmis the story of a grandmother who is visiting her family. Throughout her stay, she notices her granddaughter spending time by herself, trying to seek her parents time and attention because her parents are caught up in office or homework. After she returns from her visit, the grandmother drives the realisation for the family that the grand-daughter misses spending time with her parents. She also reiterates that time is most valuable when spent on what’s really important, urging them to make more time for with their child.

The film has already garnered more than 3MM views, and the grandmothers dialogue has been resonating with many – we don’t ‘find’ time, we have to make time.Tide is also showing the way by highlighting simple ways in which families can make time. For instance, households across India spend upto 300 hours^ doing laundry. Thanks to its Double Power, Tide can provide superior cleaning in the soak or machine itself, resulting in lesser laundry time. This time that is saved, can be leveraged for what’s important to people – be it spending time with family, friends, pursuing their passion, honing a hobby,  or anything they haven’t been able to ‘find’ time for!

Talking about the campaign, Sharat Verma, Chief Marketing Officer, P&G India and Vice President, Fabric Care said, During Covid, we have been limited to the confines of our homes. But this physical proximityhas not necessarily led to stronger emotional connection. Research shows 9 out of 10* people agree that covid has made them realize the importance of togetherness. With #TideForTime, our endeavor is to bring to light a pertinent question, rendered even more important in the current context – ‘Are we spending our time on what’s really important?’. We also realize that families spend around 300^ hours every year doing laundry. This is also a reminder that by putting Tide to work and letting it deliver its superior cleaning, we can make some time for our lives and spend it on what we truly value –  whether it is spending time with families, pursuing passions, finding some me-time or even exploring the entrepreneurial spirit. Because there’s only one thing more precious than our time, and that’s how we spend it.

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