Aditya Birla Health Insurance strengthens its presence in Rajasthan, forays into Udaipur

Opens Full-Service Branch in Udaipur

Udaipur : Aditya Birla Health Insurance Company Ltd. (ABHICL), the Health Insurance subsidiary of Aditya Birla Capital Limited, a significant non-bank financial services company, today announced its foray in the ‘City of Lakes’ by inaugurating its full-service branch in Udaipur.

ABHICL will leverage its new Branch to reach out to individuals and empower them with the increasing financial protection needs during unfavorable health conditions. Additionally, the company will also focus on promoting the concept of healthy living through its integrated health insurance solutions.

ABHICL has adopted a unique engaging framework that empowers individuals to opt for integrated solutions, covering both health insurance with embedded wellness programmes to remain healthy. The company will consistently monitor the health of its customers and will reward them with up to 30 percent of the overall premium annually that will be over and above the other bonus element of higher sum assured for no claims.

Commenting on the expansion plans in the region, Mr. Mayank Bathwal, CEO, Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co. Ltd. said, “We are glad to announce the launch of our first full-service branch in Udaipur, whereby we will offer customized health insurance solutions to the residents of the city who can now access the benefits of health insurance without any stress of travelling to far-off places. The role we see for ourselves is one of a much-needed catalyst to expand the prevalent health insurance landscape in India. By focusing on the ‘health’ in health insurance, our business model has been built around the philosophy of “health first.” 

He further added, “We at ABHICL have always endeavored to be ahead of the curve in designing innovative health insurance solutions by understanding our customer’s needs, with an ultimate goal of providing protection for every household. We are confident that the people of Udaipur would benefit from our differentiated product offerings and focus on living a healthy lifestyle; a key component embedded in our products”

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