HDFC Bank Organises Grameen Loan Mela at Bundi

Udaipur : HDFC Bank, India’s leading private sector bank, today announced that it organised a Grameen Loan Mela at Bundi, Rajasthan. The initiative aimed to penetrate deeper into the rural pockets of Bundi and the adjoining districts of western Rajasthan, bringing a wide range of HDFC Bank products and services closer to customers.

Small and marginal farmers, farmer producer organisations, dairy farmers, traders, small shopkeepers, and transport vehicle customers were among the key beneficiaries of the Grameen Loan Mela that was attended by around 10,000 people. The initiative was meant to reach out to individuals to provide them easy access to a suite of loan productsforagriculture, MSMEs, vehicles,transportation equipment, and healthcare needs.Mr.Bhavesh Zaveri, Executive Director, HDFC Bank also attended the mela.

Mr Rahul Shyam Shukla, Group Head – Commercial and Rural Banking, HDFC Banksaid, “Throughout 2023, we have covered the length and breadth of the country making credit available to the last mile user. We endeavour to take our banking services and products to remote corners of the country. The Grameen Loan Mela at Bundi is a culmination of our efforts. During the last fiscal, we committed to reaching 2 lakh villages. The loan melas in the country have helped us reach closer to this goal.”

In 2023, HDFC Bank organised Grameen Loan Melas at Ayodhya and Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh; Burdwan, West Bengal; Eluru, Andhra Pradesh; Kalaburagi, Karnataka; Trichy, Tamil Nadu; and Patan, Gujarat. As on September 30, 2023, with 52% of its branches being present in semi-urban and rural areas, the Bank’s total distribution network throughout the country stands at 7,945 branches and 20,596 ATMs across3,836 cities/towns. In addition, the Bank has 15,352 business correspondents, primarily manned by common service centres, which take its offerings to deeper geographies. In Rajasthan, the bank has 423 branches and 646 ATMs.

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