HDFC Bank to Launch Mega ‘Two-Wheeler Loan Mela’ in
Central India

Udaipur : HDFC Bank, India’s leading private sector bank, is set to launch a mega‘Two-Wheeler Loan Mela’ drive in CentralIndia on June 16, 2023. Over 250 branches across Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh will participate in the drive. While two-wheelerdealers will be present at the branches to showcase their vehicles to customers, the Bank would provide quick loan sanctions to eligible customers.

HDFC Bank’s ‘Two-Wheeler Loan Mela’ drive aims to provide easy accessibility of two-wheeler finance to people. The participating branches will showcase a select set of two-wheelers, along with enquiry desks. Customers visiting the branches can get a test ride of two-wheelersand browse through loan options, and even book a vehicle on the spot.As of 31st March 2023, HDFC Bank’sbook size of two-wheeler loans stands at Rs 9,933 crore.

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