Hindustan Zinc Creates Awareness On National Girl Child Day

Udaipur : Every year on January 24, India celebrates National Girl Child Day to raise awareness of the inequalities that girls suffer and to emphasise the importance of a girl child’s education, health, and nutrition.Hindustan Zinc Limited, India’s largest zinc, lead, and silver producer, is committed to empowering and educating girls. This year, the company conducted a variety of initiatives at government schools in Zawar and Agucha in collaboration with Deepak Foundation and Hindustan Zinc’s SwasthyaSeva project Mobile Health Units in Udaipur and Bhilwara districts.A total of 150 girls attended the event, with 60 participating in various activities.

Several educational activities, as well as competitions such as elocution, dance, and poster making, were organised in the Zawar and Agucha government schools. The young girls were assigned to create posters for National Girl Child Day and discuss their artwork in terms of what they learned and what message they wanted to express on this day. All attendees were given stationary kits to commend them for their efforts and to support education among girls. Apart from these activities, the company held an HB check-up for adolescent girls to improve their focus on their health and nutrition. The necessary medicine and counselling were given to the anaemic girls.

Hindustan Zinc has always believed in the potential that every girl child possesses, and that when girls are educated, societies are strengthened. The company operates initiatives such as Sakhi, Khushi, NandGhar, and Siksha Sambal, which educate girls and women from all walks of life about their rights and provide educational, skill-development, as well as quality health-care services. Hundreds of girl children and women have benefited from these initiatives, which have helped them complete their education, build leadership abilities, and find skill-based jobs and career opportunities.

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