Hindustan Zinc honoured with the title ‘India’s Largest Silver Miner and Refiner’ by IGC Excellence Award Committee

Udaipur: The IGC Excellence Award Committee presented Hindustan Zinc with the award ‘India’s Largest Silver Miner and Refiner’ at the Marriott in Jaipur. Hindustan Zinc Limited received the award for their online portal initiative, which enabled silver users to get metal during the most difficult period of COVID-19 led lockdown in FY20 and FY21. Ms. Amrita Singh (Chief Marketing Officer) received the award on behalf of Hindustan Zinc.

To eliminate manual intervention, the company began selling silver spots through an e-auction, giving all the buyers an equal chance to compete and complete price transparency during sales. The ceremony was graced by XXX.

Eventell Global Advisory Private Limited and the India Bullion & Jewellers Association (IBJA) collaborated to organise the event. The Indian Gold Conference (IGC) strives to provide a neutral platform for the gold bullion industry to connect, discuss, and deliberate on the sector’s future.

Hindustan Zinc is India’s only major silver producer, ranking sixth among the world’s top silver producers. The company serves a wide range of markets, including the industrial sector (electrical components, solders and alloys, and pharmaceuticals), as well as jewellery and silverware. The world-class, silver rich Sindesar Khurd Mine (SKM) of Hindustan Zinc is India’s largest underground mine, with a capacity of 6 million tonnes. In FY21, the company produced the most silver it has ever produced, at 706 tonnes, up 16% year over year. Higher output from current and new silver-rich resources, as well as improved process recovery, are driving the company’s goal of reaching 1,000 tonnes in the coming few years. This will place them in a position to become one of the world’s top three silver producers.

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