Hindustan Zinc Recognized with ‘A’ score for Transparency on Climate Change

– As a climate A list company,Hindustan Zinc is leading the way in corporate transparency and action on climate change

Udaipur : Hindustan Zinc has been recognized for leadership in corporate transparency and performance on climate change by global environmental non-profit CDP, securing a place on its annual ‘A List’. The recognition speaks about the company’s commitment towards achieving the vision of Net Zero emissions and has made sustainability central to its growth and value-creation journey.

On this achievement, Mr. Arun Misra, CEO of Hindustan Zinc said, “We are glad that CDP has recognized Hindustan Zinc as a global leader for having a positive influence on climate change and that the ongoing progress we have made has been appraised. Our strategic focus on decarbonizing Indian mining through adoption of Battery Electric Vehicles, solar power and various other initiatives help us in achieving our aim of sustainability throughout varied cycles of operations. ’’

Dexter Galvin, Global Director of Corporations and Supply Chains at CDP, said: “Congratulations to all the companies on this year’s A List; environmental transparency is the first vital step towards a net-zero and nature-positive future. In a year of ever-increasing environmental concerns around the world – from extreme weather to unprecedented losses to nature – the need for transformational, urgent and collaborative change is more critical than ever. We must decarbonize half of global GHG emissions and eliminate deforestation by 2030, alongside achieving water security on the same timescale – there is no route to 1.5°C without nature. As CDP continues to raise the bar on what qualifies as climate, forests and water leadership, we hope to see the ambitions and actions of companies on the A List – and those wanting a place on it – do the same.”

CDP’s annual environmental disclosure and scoring process is widely recognized as the gold standard of corporate environmental transparency. A detailed and independent methodology is used by CDP to assess these companies, allocating a score of A to D- based on the comprehensiveness of disclosure, awareness and management of environmental risks and demonstration of best practices associated with environmental leadership, such as setting ambitious and meaningful targets.

Hindustan Zinc, a Vedanta Group company andIndia’s largest & only integrated producer of Zinc, Lead & Silver, has been recently ranked amongst top 5% ESG Score in the metals & mining sector in S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook 2023.The company’s sustainability efforts have earned a spot in the esteemed yearbook for the sixth consecutive year. This recognition speaks about the company’s commitment to sustainability that has beendemonstrated through various initiatives, such as investing in energy-efficient technology, reducing its carbon emissions, mitigating the impacts of climate change and promoting environmentally responsible practices throughout its operations.

The companyhas also been ranked 3rd Globally and 1st in Asia Pacific Region in S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment under metal & mining sector. The company’s commitment towards Environment, Social and Governance has also been recognized by CAP 2.0, S&P Global Platts Awards, GreenCo Certification, CII National 5S Excellence Award, Bhamashah Award, and many more.

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