Hindustan Zinc’s Dariba Smelting Complex wins Prestigious CII-National Awards for Excellence in Water Management

-The award recognises businesses that have upgraded their water efficiency and built an integrated water management system

-Hindustan Zinc is among the very few Water Positive companies, with an index of 2.41x

Udaipur : Hindustan Zinc’s Dariba Smelting Complex has been declared as ‘Winner’ in the ‘within the fence’ category at the prestigious 15th CII National Awards for Excellence in Water Management. The award was presented to Dariba Smelting Complex by a distinguished jury panel led by Dr. Anil K. Kakodkar, Chief of Jury and Chairman, Rajiv Gandhi Science & Technology Commission, along with other renowned Jury members during the CII International Water Innovation Summit through a virtual platform. The award honours organisations that have made significant progress in terms of water efficiency and have implemented an integrated wastewater management system that encompasses the recycling, recovery, and reuse of process water.

Efficient use and recycling water has been a top priority for Hindustan Zinc as part of its dedication to ‘Water Stewardship’ initiatives. HZLprimarily focusses on two areas to assist the development of sustainable water management: enhancing water efficiency and working with others to improve the benefits and availability of water resources. The company has set a long-term goal of being a 5x water positive by 2025, with a 25% decrease in freshwater use. Hindustan Zinc’s state-of-the-art technologies like Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) and Paste-Fill Plant have significantly enhanced reuse and recycling of water.The company has also pledged to support the UN Global Compact Water Action Platform (CEO Water Mandate), committing to adopting and implementing the mandate’s strategic framework and six-core water management elements.

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