ICICI Prudential Life Insurance launches Guaranteed Pension Plan

Udaipur : ICICI Prudential Life Insurance has launched ‘ICICI Pru Guaranteed Pension Plan’, an innovative retirement plan that offers guaranteed life-long income to lead a financially independent retired life. A non-linked non-participating individual annuity product, it provides customers with the flexibility to choose between Immediate and Deferred Annuity.

The Immediate Annuity option enables customers to start receiving regular income immediately by paying a one-time premium. On the other hand, the Deferred Annuity option gives customers the flexibility to start receiving the income at any point later, for instance closer to their retirement. Customers have the option to defer the start of the incomefor a period of 10 years. Longer the deferment, higher would be the income.

This product enables customers to plan and lead a financially independent retired life.To address the challenge of rising inflation customers also have the option to top-up their contribution and thereby increase the income they receive.

Among other options available to customers, they have the choice to select single or joint life options. In the single life option, regular income is paid to the policyholder for the whole life. In the joint life option, the income continues to be paid to the joint policyholder on demise of the primary policyholder. The product also allows return of the premium amount on diagnosis of specific critical illnesses and permanent disability. This is to ensure that the policyholder can use the funds to access medical care to treat the illness.

Commenting on the launch,Mr. Amit Palta, Chief Distribution Officer, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance, said, “We are delighted to bring to customers a guaranteed life-long income solution that can provide certainty in today’s unpredictable times.With a higher life expectancy, absence of any social security, rising inflation and healthcare costs,it is imperative for customers to plan for a secure retired life.The ‘ICICI Pru Guaranteed Pension Plan’ is a versatile retirement planning product enabling customers to receive regular income immediately upon retiring or later – an option which will be relevant to people for whom retirement is still sometime away.”

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