iStart Ideathon launched for the Youth of Rajasthan in 6 Cities

Udaipur : iStart, Department of Information Technology & Communication (DoIT&C), Rajasthan, in collaboration with its incubated startups Studybase, Tinkerly, and Codevidhya, is thrilled to announce the launch of iStart Ideathon, a remarkable Yuva Startup Utsav, aimed at fostering innovation among school and college students across Rajasthan.

iStart Ideathon was launched at Yojana Bhawan, Jaipur on 13th July, 2023. The series of Ideathon will start from Udaipur on 5th August and will encompass other iStart educational divisions of Rajasthan namely Bikaner, Kota, Jodhpur, Jaipur, and Bharatpur. During the launch of the event, Shri. Ashish Gupta, Commissioner and Joint Secretary, DoIT&C, Rajasthan said – “We believe that the young minds of today possess immense potential to bring about transformative change and solve real-world problems. The iStart Ideathon is a significant initiative by the Government of Rajasthan to cultivate a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship among our youth”

iStart Ideathon is a platform specially designed for schools and college students, offering them a unique opportunity to showcase their innovative ideas and entrepreneurial spirit. By participating in this event, students will get an opportunity to engage with industry experts, mentors, and like-minded peers. This immersive experience will nurture their creativity and provide valuable insights into the dynamic startup ecosystem. Notably, iStart Ideathon offers remarkable rewards for participants, with a total reward pool of ₹ 8.4 Lakhs, aiming to motivate and recognize exceptional innovations and entrepreneurial endeavors by students.

“We are proud to be associated with iStart Ideathon as a partner in this incredible journey. Studybase, Tinkery, and Codevidya share a common vision of empowering young entrepreneurs and fueling innovation in Rajasthan. Together, we strive to create a sustainable ecosystem that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills among the youth,” stated a representative from the partnering startups.

For more information about iStart Ideathon and registration details, please visit

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