Mangalam Cement UnveilsNew Eco Friendly Premium Cement- Mangalam PromaxX

Udaipur : Mangalam Cement Limited, one of the leading cement manufactures launched environment friendly premium quality cement- Mangalam PromaxX- in agrand virtual launch event.

Since inceptionMangalam Cement Limited has implemented strategies and initiatives to address the global environmental issues, more particularly, climate change. Having established a strong presence in India as a socially responsible corporate, the company has fuelled its sustainable growth objectives through its socio-economic endeavours. Mangalam Cement Limited, through this grand virtual launch of one of its kind environment friendly premium cement in gracious presence of Dealer network and renowned architects from across the sates of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakahnd, Madhya Pradesh and Delhi.

Co-chairpersons of the company Smt Vidula Jalan and Anshuman Jalan unveiled Mangalam PromaxX and expressed their confidence that this innovative product will fulfil all the requirements of modern day construction along-with the responsibility towards sustainability.

Yaswant Misra, President (Corporate and CFO) said that Mangalam PromaxX is a high strength premium cement and he is confident that Mangalam PromaxX will become a flagship brand of the company very soon.

Speaking on the launch of Mangalam PromaxX, Kaushlesh Maheswari (President, Sales & Marketing) said“The passion and enthusiasm of our R& D team and other stakeholders, for creating innovative products has resulted in the development of this premium environment friendly cement.”

Mangalam PromaxX is a unique blend of strength, durability, workability, & versatility that enhances every parameter of concrete/mortar quality making it ideally suitable for every application including foundations, columns / beams, slabs, masonary & plastering making it the “Concrete Ka Sachcha Saathi” in its truest sense.

Sunil Sachan (President Operations) said that this revolutionary product is a special quality environment friendly PPC cement with an advanced i-PSD technology resulting in dense concrete with higher strength, leading to lower heat of hydration, water conservation and sustainable durability of structures. It is packed in a special tamper proof LPP bag which keeps moisture out and retains the freshness of cement for a longer time.

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