HDFC Bank gains 18.4 percent in Q2 Result

Udaipur : The Board of Directors of HDFC Bank Limited approved the Bank’s (Indian GAAP) results for the quarter and half year ended September 30, 2020, at their meeting held in Mumbai on Saturday, October 17, 2020. The accounts have been subjected to an audit by the statutory auditors of the Bank.

The Bank’s net revenues (net interest income plus other income) grew to ₹ 21,868.8 crore for the quarter ended September 30, 2020 from ₹ 19,103.8 for the quarter ended September 30, 2019. Net interest income (interest earned less interest expended) for the quarter ended September 30, 2020 grew by 16.7% to ₹ 15,776.4 crore from ₹ 13,515.0 crore for the quarter ended September 30, 2019, driven by asset growth of 21.5%, and a core net interest margin for the quarter of 4.1%. The Bank’s continued focus on deposits helped in the maintenance of a healthy liquidity coverage ratio at 153%, well above the regulatory requirement.

Other income (non-interest revenue) at ₹ 6,092.5 crore was 27.9% of the net revenues for the quarter ended September 30, 2020 as against ₹ 5,588.7 crore in the corresponding quarter ended September 30, 2019. The four components of other income for the quarter ended September 30, 2020 were fees & commissions of ₹ 3,940.3 crore (₹ 4,054.5 crore in the corresponding quarter of the previous year), foreign exchange & derivatives revenue of ₹ 560.4 crore (₹ 551.7 crore for the corresponding quarter of the previous year), gain on sale / revaluation of investments of ₹ 1,016.2 crore (gain of ₹ 480.7 crore in the corresponding quarter of the previous year) and miscellaneous income, including recoveries, of ₹ 575.6 crore (₹ 502.0 crore for the corresponding quarter of the previous year).

While the previous quarter largely bore the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic, some of the softness continued into the current quarter leading to lower retail loan origination, use of debit and credit cards by customers, efficiency in collection efforts and waivers of certain fees. As a result, fees/other income were lower by approximately ₹ 800 crore. However, the loan and card momentum has improved over the previous quarter, thereby reducing the gap to less than half.

Operating expenses for the quarter ended September 30, 2020 were ₹ 8,055.1 crore, an increase of 8.8% over ₹ 7,405.7 crore during the corresponding quarter of the previous year. The cost-to-income ratio for the quarter was at 36.8% as against 38.8% for the corresponding quarter ended September 30, 2019. Growth in operating expenses was relatively moderate, as a result of lower loan origination and sales volumes.

Pre-provision Operating Profit (PPOP) at ₹ 13,813.8 crore grew by 18.1% over the corresponding quarter of the previous year.

Provisions and contingencies for the quarter ended September 30, 2020 were ₹ 3,703.5 crore (consisting of specific loan loss provisions of ₹ 1,240.6 crore and general and other provisions of ₹ 2,462.9 crore) as against ₹ 2,700.7 crore (consisting of specific loan loss provisions of ₹ 2,041.3 crore and general and other provisions of ₹ 659.3 crore) for the quarter ended September 30, 2019. Total provisions for the current quarter includes contingent provisions of approximately ₹ 2,300 crore for proforma NPA as described in the asset quality section below as well as additional contingent provisions to make the balance sheet more resilient.

The reported Specific Credit Cost ratio was 0.47%. This Core Credit Cost ratio on a proforma basis (refer Asset Quality section) was 0.91%, as compared to 1.08% in the quarter ending June 30, 2020 and 0.90% in the quarter ending September 30, 2019.

Profit before tax (PBT) for the quarter ended September 30, 2020 was at ₹ 10,110.3 crore. After providing ₹ 2,597.2 crore for taxation, the Bank earned a net profit of ₹ 7,513.1 crore, an increase of 18.4% over the quarter ended September 30, 2019.

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