MKM Football Tournament Concludes its 44thEdition in #ZincCity in a nail-biting finale – Doon Star FC, Dehraduntakes the Trophy home

Chief Guest, Mr. Ganapathi Palguna, Former Indian Team Footballer & Secretary Telangana Football Association and Guest of Honour, Mr. Ram Murari, IBU CEO, Zawar Group of Mines

The 10 days grand MKM Tournament witnessed thrilling performances from 12 teams that participated from across India

Udaipur : The MKM Football Tournament, one of the biggest State Youth competitions successfully concluded its 44th edition at Zawar’s MKM Stadium, Udaipur withDoon Star FC, Dehradunemerging victorious after a thrilling final against S.T.F.C, Kashmir. The fever of MKM football tournament at Zawar kickstarted with a grand inauguration ceremony on January 20, 2024. The 10-day football tournament, hosted by Hindustan Zinc in association with Zawar Mines Mazdoor Sangh, witnessed magnificent performances from 12 teams that participated from across the countryin #ZincCity.

The closing ceremony, held on 29th January, was graced by the presence of Chief Guest, Mr. Ganapathi Palguna, Former Indian Team Footballer & Secretary Telangana Football Association, Guest of Honour, Mr. Ram Murari, IBU CEO, Zawar Group of Mines and other esteemed dignitaries including Mr. Lalu Ram Meena, General Secretary ZMMS, Mr. Deepak Gakhreja,Organising Secretary.

On the occasion, Chief Guest, Mr. Ganapathi Palguna said, “I feel honoured to witness such a big crowd supporting and cheering for the legacy MKM Football Tournament. I hope that this becomes a launch pad for the future stars of football and would create new records for Indian Football.”

The intense finale saw Doon Star FC, Dehradun secure a triumphant victory with 1-0 goals against S.T.F.C, Kashmir. The journey to the finals included notable performances, such as the semi-final clash between Doon Star FC, Dehradun and B.S.F, Siligudi.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Arun Misra, CEO, Hindustan Zinc & Executive Director, Vedanta, reflected on the unique significance of the MKM Football Tournament, expressing, “The MKM Tournament not only showcases the passion for football but stands as a testament to the unity and spirit in #ZincCity.
It’s been our privilege to host 12 teams from across the nation in #ZincCity, creating a platform for camaraderie and sportsmanship that extends beyond the field. Hindustan Zinc consistently upholds the significance of uplifting communities in and around our operational areas through various initiatives, including promoting sports at the grassroots level. We proudly support every celebration that promotes art, culture, and unity in #ZincCity, recognizing the profound impact these elements have on fostering a vibrant and connected community.”

This year’s tournament witnessed an overwhelming participation of more than 25000 spectators, demonstrating the enduring popularity of the MKM Football Tournament within #ZincCity. Hindustan Zinc has been associated with sports and has been promoting sports for almost 4 decades when the company made its football stadium at Zawar in Rajasthan in 1976. The MKM tournament has become a symbol of community unity and engagement, emerging as a significant platform for fostering connections with local communities.

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