” The wealth of knowledge is prime amongst all wealth” There is no better charity than the gift of knowledge : Goswami Vishal Bawa

Udaipur : New State Secondary education for Girls as well as groundwork for new construction of Modern school for higher secondary education has commenced at a cost of Rs 12 crore by the Temple Board in a bid to provide impetus for education of the girl child for the district of Nathdwara.

In anticipation of 3rd wave of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, whilst keeping the health and safety of children in mind, Vishal Bawa has proactively put forth expeditious construction of N.I.C.U in Goverdhan Lal ji Maharaj state dispensary and will shortly inaugurate the same.

Furthermore Vishal Bawa, in a bid to further the spread of Pushtimargiya awareness within education has emphasized the inculcation of Pushtimargiya principles as prescribed by Jagadguru Vallabhacharya, into mainstream curriculum and has further committed to providing study material as well as facultative training, which shall be provided by the temple board.

On insistence from Go.Chi. Vishal Bawa, Dr. C.P.Joshi has announced opening of 2 Govt. backed higher secondary level English medium schools, one each at Bada Bazaar and Fauji Mohalla.

Vishal Bawa has further announced opening of Pushtishala, a school focused on furthering the studies of the principles of Pushtimarg and foundation will shortly be conducted.

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