Udaipur : Zinc Football Academy started their Hero Under-17 Youth Cup campaign with a historic win over Indian Football giants Bengaluru FC at the Benaulim Football Ground, Goa.

Zinc Football Academy –a CSR intervention of Vedanta-Hindustan Zinc Limited, won the match 2-0 to grab all three points from the opening match. Both the goals were scored by striker Akshat in the second half.

The first half was evenly poised with both teams trying hard to break the deadlock without success. The Zinc Football team dominated the second half, keeping possession and winning every second ball with the right amount of aggression.

The Zawar-based team will now face Churchill Brothers FC on December 28, and FC Goa and ARA FC on December 30 and January 1 respectively.Zinc Football is an initiative of Vedanta-Hindustan Zinc to usher in a footballing revolution in Rajasthan. It is a one-of-its-kind grassroots development programme using football as a tool for social and community development and ensuring young kids have a platform to express themselves through football.

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