Over 3.25 Lakh YouthtrainedthroughHDFC BankParivartan’s Skill DevelopmentProgramme

Udaipur : On World Youth Skills Day, HDFC Bank Parivartan is proud to celebrate a significant milestone, having engaged over 325,000 youth across India through its various skilling programmes. Skill Development and Livelihood Enhancement is a key focus area of the Bank’s Parivartan programme, its umbrella brand for all CSR initiatives. The Bank is currently working on over 100 projects in the area of Skill Development across different states, covering multiple sectors including IT/ITeS, retail, healthcare, manufacturing and agriculture.

Instituted in 2014 by the United Nations General Assembly on 15th July, World Youth Skills Day celebrates the strategic importance of equipping young people with skills for employment, decent work, and entrepreneurship, as well as for addressing global challenges and advancing sustainable development.

Ms. Nusrat Pathan, Head of CSR at HDFC Bank, stated, “At HDFC Bank, we believe that empowering our youth with the right skills is crucial for the socio-economic development of our nation. Our Parivartan training programmes are designed not only to provide vocational skills linked with market demands, but also to instil confidence and ambition in young minds. By collaborating with esteemed partners and focusing on sectors with high growth potential, we are committed to bridging the skills gap and creating a robust and inclusive workforce for the future. Our mission is to ensure that every young individual we reach has the opportunity to thrive and contribute to India’s dynamic economy.”

Skilling is a global demand, and investing in skill development remains pivotal since as per the United Nations,the number of young people aged 15-24 globally comprises 1.2 billion individuals. This demographic is projected to rise to 1.3 billion by 2030, representing 16 per cent of the world’s population. India occupies a unique position, with over 50 per cent of the total population below 25 years of age. However, recent data from the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) reveals skill gaps in high-demand sectors like IT, healthcare, manufacturing, agriculture, and renewable energy, underscoring a critical need to skill, up-skill, and right-skill the country’s youth.

HDFC Bank Parivartan’s youth training programmes address these needs by equipping young people with essential skills, knowledge, and competencies to thrive in today’s dynamic job market. These training programmes come with certifications from the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), Sector Skill Council, or other qualified non-government agencies; and offer targeted training to prepare youth for successful careers and entrepreneurial ventures in key industries.

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