Vishwaraj Sugar Industries Ltd to Produce Pharmaceutical Grade Sugar

Udaipur : Listed on Small Cap Index of BSE and NSE,Vishwaraj Sugar Industries Ltd has informed Stock Exchanges that it will  produce Pharmaceutical Grade Sugar using its Patented Technology .The company has a ultra modern,state-of-the-art R and D Centre having latest technologies.

The company is in process of Supplying this Pharma Grade Sugar to leading Pharmaceutical companies in India and also plans to Export it all over the world.

It has also commenced production of Refined Grade Sugar,meeting the specifications as prescribed in IS 1151, 2021 version.

The recent decision by Government to lowers GST rate to 5% from 18% on ethanol meant for blending under the Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) programme would be extremely beneficial for Sugar companies and Vishwaraj would also be one of them.Due to this ,the profitability and revenues would rise substantially.

Earlier,Vishwaraj Sugar Industries (VSIL) had entered into contracts with oil marketing companies (OMC) namely Bharat Petroleum Corporation (BPCL), Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation (HPCL) for supply of 2.50 crore liters of ethanol worth Rs 155 crore commencing from December 2021.

“We have entered into contracts with oil marketing companies (OMC) namely BPCL, IOC and HPCL for supply of 2.50 crore liters of ethanol commencing from December 2021 as against the supply of 2.25 crore liters of ethanol last year,” VSIL Executive Director Mukesh Kumar said.

With the higher ethanol supply and increasing sugar production, Vishwaraj Sugar aims to clock a turnover of Rs 500 crore in March 2022 as against Rs 426 crore last year.

The company is expanding it’s a distillery unit by 150 KLPD capacity at an estimated cost of Rs 150 crore at Belgaum district in Karnataka after the expansion total Ethanol capacity with the company will be 250 KLPD, the environment clearance for the same is expected to be received by February 2022.

The company has also drawn up Rs 250 crore expansion plans for setting up of greenfield sugar factory along with a distillery facility in Karnataka. Vishwaraj Sugar Industries is an integrated sugar company producing sugar, power and ethanol. The company manufactures Distillery products like Rectified Spirit, Anhydrous Ethanol and Extra-Neutral Spirit from molasses and Sugar Syrup.

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