Udaipur : In their pursuit of continuous development in coaching methodologies, Zinc Football Academy, a CSR initiative of Hindustan Zinc, hosted a day-long coaches’ workshop in Zawar, Udaipur. The session was led by Garry Church, an accomplished Australian coach and advanced coach educator, holding AFC A coaching license. Garry is also known for his work with international teams such as Perth Glory Women’s and National Premier League teams.

Focused on enhancing the overall growth of Zinc Football Academy coaches, the workshop covered several crucial topics related to the development of both the young players and the coaches themselves. Garry shared invaluable insights on talent identification, best scouting practices and many more, incorporating both theoretical and practical sessions throughout the day.

The Aussie also explored the unique F-cube technology at Zinc Football Academy and was delighted by the idea of using technology to enhance and track the growth of budding footballers.

On this visit, Garry Church, Australian coach and advanced coach educator, quoted: “The infrastructure and facilities here at Zinc Football Academy is gorgeous and very impressive. Hindustan Zinc is doing an incredible job here. I had a really good time with all the coaches and I am sure the young footballers here will go a long way.”

Coach Garry further said: “F-Cube is an excellent tool to utilise for the development of young players. It helps you massively in improving the thinking time or how quick you need to strike the ball and touches upon many more such attributes that you need to develop at a very young age.”

The Zinc Football Academy coaches expressed their enthusiasm and gratitude for the incredible learning experience provided by the experienced Garry Church.Hindustan Zinc through its Zinc Football initiative ushers in a footballing revolution in Rajasthan. It is a one-of-its-kind grassroots development programme using football as a tool for social and community development and ensuring young kids have a platform to express themselves through football.

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