Udaipur :  Zinc Football, Vedanta Hindustan Zinc’s CSR initiative, today announced that it has reopened its community football training centres, known as Zinc Football Schools, in Zawar, Udaipur.

With the philosophy that “every child should have an opportunity to play”, Zinc Football had set up Zinc Football Schools across the five operational locations of Hindustan Zinc where underprivileged children received football training on a weekly basis by trained and certified coaches. This community program was a huge success before it had to be temporarily shut down due to the unprecedented coronavirus outbreak.

Keeping in mind all the safety aspects and getting the children back on the pitch, the Zinc Football Schools have finally restarted in two centres – Singatwara and Tidi located in Zawar where over 100 boys and girls, under the age of 14 and 17 years, will attend three training sessions every week. Subsequently, plans are afoot to reopen the centres in all locations around the operational areas of Hindustan Zinc in Rajasthan.

Speaking on the development, Tarun Roy, Head Coach, Zinc Football Academy said: “I am very excited to see these young boys and girls back on the ground, playing football. Zinc Football Schools will act as a platform for these aspiring kids from the local communities to showcase their talent and we, as coaches, will do our best to nurture them in the best possible way in order to develop their footballing attributes.”Zinc Football is a one-of-its-kind grassroots development programme with technology and data analysis at its core at Zawar near Udaipur, Rajasthan. The programme is using football as a tool for social and community development and ensuring young boys and girls have a platform to express themselves through football. At the core of Zinc Football is a full-fledged residential academy at Zawar, Udaipur with world-class facilities and the country’s first ever ‘technology-hinged football training’ – the unique F-Cube technology.

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