Hindustan Zinc’s winsCII National Award 2023

Udaipur : Hindustan Zinc’s Zawar Mines has been awarded with the prestigious CII National Award 2023 for Environment Best Practices in the Innovative Project category.The recognition was announced at the Greenco Summit 2023 which was held in Pune, Maharashtra.

Commenting on the accomplishment, Mr. Arun Misra, CEO – Hindustan Zinc said, “As a responsible mining company, we are constantlystriving towards environmental excellence. The Dry Tailing Plant at Zawar Mines demonstrates our dedication to innovation and sustainable solutions in the mining sector. This award reinforces our belief in responsible mining practices and drives us to establish new benchmarks for environmental stewardship.”

Hindustan Zinc was conferred with this award for its Dry Tailing Plant located in Zawar. The plant reaffirms the company’s commitment towards Waste Management through its advanced technology, enabling a higher recovery of water for reuse in their processes and substantially reducing freshwater consumption.By converting tailings into dry cake form, the plant optimizes the storage of higher volume of tailings and significantly bringing down their environmental footprint. Additionally, the implementation of this cutting-edge technology enhancesthe safety standards of the Tailing Storage Facility, effectively minimizing environmental risks and ensuring the preservation of surrounding ecosystems.

This award received by Hindustan Zinc, a Vedanta Group company, have also been ranked 3rd Globally and 1st in Asia Pacific Region in S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment under metal & mining sector. The company’s commitment towards Environment, Social and Governance has been recognized by S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook, CAP 2.0, CDP, S&P Global Platts Awards, GreenCo Certification, CII National 5S Excellence Award, Bhamashah Award and many more. 

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