In a global first, Vedic passages in pictorial form displayed at Arya Samaj’s Navlakha Mahal

Gujarat Governor Acharya Devvrat dedicates 3 newly built sections to the public

Udaipur : As part of Arya Samaj’s celebrations commemorating the 200th birth anniversary of its founder Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati, Gujarat Governor Shri Acharya Devvrat dedicated three newly built sections within the Navlakha Mahal complex to the public here today. Other dignitaries present at the occasion included JBM Group Chairman Shri S K Arya, Shrimad Dayanand Satyarth Prakash Trust President, Mr. Ashok Arya amongst others.

Located within the sprawling Gulab Baug here, the Navlakha Mahal was handed over to the Arya Samaj by the Rajasthan government in 1992 for building a memorial, as it was the location where Arya Samaj’s founder, Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati spent six and a half months to finish writing the second edition of his seminal book ‘Satyarth Prakash’.

Today’s event follows Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s inauguration of not only Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati 200th birth anniversary celebrations but also Arya Samaj’s 150th foundation that would culminate on April 10, 2025.

Speaking at the occasion, Mr S K Arya, Chairman, JBM Group, said, “the Navlakha Bhavan is an architectural splendor that houses sections where, for the first time in the world, several Vedic passages have been represented pictorially, making it simpler and easier for common people to comprehend and appreciate. The lives of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna, besides sages and saints, have also been depicted pictorially in the form of elegant oil paintings”.

Elaborating on the section featuring the 365 freedom fighters, Shrimad Dayanand Satyarth Prakash Trust President Mr Ashok Arya said, “they hailed from different parts of India, including Maharashtra, Bengal, Odisha, Assam and Punjab. We have tried to showcase the lives of these unsung heroes and their selfless contribution to the country’s freedom struggle”.

Shrimad Dayanand Satyarth Prakash Trust took the lead in running a three-year-long program to convert over 150 years-old Navlakha Mahal into a museum cum inspirational center which has been elegantly designed in ways that add to the overall aesthetic appeal. During the course of the renovation work, some new projects such as a mini theatre, a cultural gallery and an inspirational enclosure were completed. The entire external façade has been beautifully carved and are a feast for the eyes. Lifelike statues of Maharshi Agni, Vayu, Aditya and Angira also feature in the Navlakha Mahal complex.

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