Navrachana University now offers Major-Minor disciplines

Udaipur : Students of Navrachana University, the region’s premier multi-disciplinary private university, will now be able to pursue a Minor discipline apart from their Major degree program.

The University has identified seven disciplines of which students can choose any one as a Minor discipline. For example, BBA students can choose a Minor in Interior Design, B Sc Chemistry students can choose a Minor in Computer Science, and so on. Students will get a separate certificate for the Minor discipline along with the main program degree at the end of the academic program.

“Minor disciplines offer students a great opportunity to diversify their interests and gain a professional edge by pursuing a Minor discipline of their interest along with the Major program. This is in line with our firm belief that learning must not be limited to a fixed subject or topic and students must be encouraged to pursue subjects of their interest and inclination even if it is not a part of the course they are studying. I can proudly say that Navrachana University is among the few universities in India that offer such an opportunity and flexibility to students. I am confident that students will make the most of this opportunity. I also congratulate our faculty for coming up with such interesting Minor disciplines,” said Prof. Pratyush Shankar, Provost, Navrachana University.

The seven Minor disciplines available to students include General Management (School of Business and Law), Business Law (School of Business and Law), Interior Design (School of Environmental Design and Architecture), Health Science (School of Science), Mechatronics (School of Engineering and Technology), Computer Science (School of Engineering and Technology) and Film Production (School of Libera Studies and Education).

To attain a Minor, students will need to do 18 credit worth of courses from the above courses. The 18 credits will be carved from students’ elective credit bank. Electives that will be offered in all semesters will be designated for a particular Minor.

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